HFWI Bursary Fund

Invitation to Apply for Educational Activity Funding for WIs in Hertfordshire.

1. Background and Purpose of the Funds:

Prior to 2023/2024, HFWI legacy donations were held in separate bank accounts. In line with the donor's intent, these funds were used to cover the costs of courses at Denman College. After the sale of the College and the change to CIO charitable status, the funds were consolidated into a single interest-bearing Bursary account at NatWest. As of December 2024, the total value of the restricted fund is £16K.

In November 2024, the HFWI Board of Trustees decided that these funds should be offered to Institutes to support or subsidise educational opportunities that align with the charitable objectives of the WI constitution.

2. What are Restricted Funds?

Restricted funds are donations or grants given to a charity for a specific purpose, as defined by the donor. These funds must be used solely for their intended purpose and must be clearly reported in the charity’s financial statements. According to the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), charities must clearly separate restricted and unrestricted funds in their financial reports.

3. Legal Obligation to Follow Donor Intent:

HFWI is legally obligated to ensure the restricted funds are used in a manner consistent with the donors' instructions and in alignment with the WI’s charitable purpose of fostering education and skill-building for WI members.

Procedure for Application

The HFWI Bursary is designed to allow WIs to provide educational opportunities to their members, enabling them to broaden their skills and understanding in line with the purposes of the WI.

4. How to Apply:

Recognised WIs in Hertfordshire are invited to submit applications for funding by completing the attached application form. The completed form should be sent by post or email to office.herts.wi@gmail.com.

5. Application Timeline:

  • Applications for the first round of funding (£5K) will open on 1 June 2025.
  • The deadline for applications is 31 July 2025.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the HFWI Board of Trustees, with potential delegation to the Education & Development Committee for scrutiny and review.

6. Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Applications must align with the WI’s charitable status and policies, including Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Data Protection.
  • Applications should be inclusive of all WI members.
  • A clear project description, budget breakdown, and committee approval from the WI are required for submission.

7. Successful Applications:

Successful applicants will receive their funds from HFWI by the end of September 2025.

8. Reporting:

Once funding is received, WIs will be required to:

  • Provide a report showing how the funds have been spent.
  • Submit a short project report that can be shared with other WIs in Hertfordshire.

9. Please address any questions or queries , in writing, to office.herts.wi@gmail.com, in the first instance.